Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Italy Signs 2019 Plan with China: Implements Chinese-style Lockdowns for COVID-19 in 2020


Italy Implements Chinese-style Lockdowns for COVID-19

On November 8, 2019, Italy’s Health Minister signed a plan with China to “support prevention strategies, policies and actions to combat exposure to etiological agents.” Italy subsequently used the China “public health” measures of lockdown of its citizens. Without notice, or preparation time available.

Source: Silvano Danesi. (April 24, 2021). 

English title: A Health Action Plan has linked Italy to China for Twenty Years.

Italian title
Un Piano D'azione Sanitaria Lega L'Italia alla cina da vent'anni/.

 Nuovo Giormale Nazionale. Retrieved from: https://www.nuovogiornalenazionale.com/index.php/italia/politica/1774-un-piano-d-azione-sanitaria-lega-l-italia-alla-cina-da-vent-anni.html.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Video: Dr. Michael McDowell – Explains SARSCOV2 – Bioweapon Agenda


VideoDr Michael McDowell – Explains SARSCOV2 – Bioweapon Agenda

SECKHS. (Aug. 22, 2021). Bitchute. (24:34 min.). Retrieved from: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pz1NQGjo9SSl/.

Details: In the Vaccine Response News Conference in Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. Michael McDowell explains the covert agenda of the creation of the SARSCoV2 pandemic.

Note: I can't embed the video in this post, so follow the link.